BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis and Cliff Sires. Employees present were Tanner Weisgram, Colleen Johnson, Eric Hanson, Esteban Torres and Laura Dallas. Also present were Brett Converse with JUB, Dave Pecha, and Rick Decker.
- 6:15 p.m. Dave Pecha, 63 Red Clover Drive
- 6:30 p.m. Brett Converse, JUB
- 7:15 p.m. Rick Decker, The Retreat at Bay Trail
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours.
- Minutes: Minutes from June were approved as submitted.
- Financial Statements: Financials were approved as submitted.
- Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.
- Discussion regarding the lot line between 63 Red Clover and KPSD property. The shop on Dave Pecha’s property encroaches onto KPSD property. This was discovered due to KPSD having the District property surveyed to combine the two KPSD lots into one. Several options were brought up. No decision was made at this time. The attorney for the District and Dave’s attorney will be working out something that will be agreeable to all parties.
- NPDES Permit & Master Plan and Treatment Options Presentation: KPSD to have a draft proposal ready by August 20th with treatment options for the District to move forward with. There will be an Open House at the District Office on August 24th to present options to the public. Discussed several options including 100% Land Application which would require additional purchase of land, Mechanical Plant to Slough, Lake Release to deep area in lake, Regionalizing with Sandpoint City. Brett leaving Alternative Rating Sheet. No Action taken. Will table for August 23 Budget meeting.
- Rick Decker presented to the Board the option for The Retreat at Bay Trail to purchase capacity only at the completion of the replat. They will be purchasing 78 capacities. Hook-ups to be paid by builders as lots sell. Bob motioned to accept the purchase of capacity only, Larry seconded. All in favor.
- Close-out of McNearney Mill Sewer Main Extension. Resolution 2020-07. Motion not to read the resolution while in meeting made by Bob and seconded by Larry. All in favor. Motion for KPSD to accept sewer main extension made by Bob and seconded by Cliff. All in favor.
- Close-out of Whiskey Jack Phase V Sewer Main Extension. Resolution 2020-08. Motion not to read the resolution while in meeting made by Eric P. and seconded by Bob. All in favor. Motion for KPSD to accept sewer main extension made by Eric P. and seconded by Cliff. All in favor.
- Tanner proposed the purchase of a new truck to replace the old snowplow truck. It is already in the existing budget. Tanner will be selling the old truck. Motion to proceed with purchase and sele made by Bob and seconded by Larry. All in Favor.
- Reviewed the Cygnus Corporation Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit. Motion to accept permit for next 3 years made by Bob and seconded by Eric P. All in Favor.
- Acknowledgement of Assignment of Sewer Hookup and Capacity for 46 Whiskey Jack Road and 110 Van Horn, Lots 1 & 2 of Emily’s Unicorner was reviewed. Motion to accept made by Bob and seconded by Cliff. All in favor.
- Reviewed an e-mail from a patron regarding sump pumps and run-off water in the Ponder Point area. Colleen already responded that KPSD did not send out a letter to area home owners. It must have come from another source.
- Adding KPSD lot line adjustment update less than 48 hours from meeting was approved by Bob and seconded by Cliff. All in favor. Discussed the KPSD lot line adjustment. County asking for 15’ setback from Whiskey Jack Road off KPSD property. KPSD to deny the adjustment at this time. Can address again at a later date. Motion for denying setback by Bob and seconded by Larry. All in favor.
- Commercial-Industrial Connection Update, Frito Lay, 300 Vermeer Drive – Tenant
- Commercial-Industrial Connection Update, Fry Creek Heating 1105 Schweitzer Plaza – Tenant
Motion to adjourn meeting by Cliff and seconded by Larry. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38
Signed: Laura Dallas, Clerk