Board Meeting Minutes March 2024


Written by Laura Dallas

March 11, 2024

BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis and Daniel Hanson. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Rebekah Zwygart and Laura Dallas. District Legal Counsel Brian Werst was present. Brett Converse with JUB was at the meeting. Jeremy Dunn, Mike Hammack, Dee-0 Whitehead (Taku Construction) and Gerry Schickedanz representing Providence Road Subdivision. Jake Gabell from Bonner County Planning. Mark Haymond representing 95 Express Carwash. Chris & Lindsey Bunty, property owners.


  • 6:00 pm           Brian Werst, District Legal Counsel via zoom
  • 6:15 pm           Brett Converse with JUB
  • 6:30 pm           Mike Hammack, Providence Road Subdivision
  • 6:45 pm           Mark Haymond, 95 Express Carwash
  • 7:00 pm           Chris Bunty, Property owner 830 Kootenai Cutoff Road

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting

Minutes: Minutes from the February Board Meeting and the February Special Meeting were approved.

Financial Statements:  Financials as presented were approved.

Maintenance Report:  Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.

  1. Agenda item #1 under New Business: The swearing-in of appointed Board Member Daniel  Daniel will fulfill Seat #2 as Cliff Sires has retired from the Board.



  1. Brett updated the Board on the mechanical plant option. The loan application is to be submitted by the end of the month. Colleen has just a few items to complete prior to submittal. A separate deposit account will need to be set up for the construction, bonds, etc. for the development of the plant.
  2. Brett reviewed the plant improvements with the Board and the preliminary Engineering Report Agreement. Once we identify and choose a manufacturer the manufacturer will deliver, install and train the staff on the treatment plant, as well as test the plant on site. The building will be built according to the District’s requirements. It will be a typical steel building with a ventilation system. The professional agreement between KPSD and JUB for representation during this process was reviewed. Eric motioned to approve the preliminary Engineering Report and Bob seconded the motion. All in favor.
  3. Providence Park Subdivision Sewer surety bond review. Mike Hammack stated that the County required the bonding of the project. Sandpoint City also required bonding of the water infrastructure. The bond would place KPSD as second.  One owner will be owning the complete development, This same owner will be developing the project. Board Chairman is requiring to review the exact bond prior to any approval. Mike suggests building the development in phases.  Complete one phase, build and sell and then move onto the next phase. Tanner stated that phases would need to be approved by DEQ not the District. If changed to phases, Tanner felt that DEQ would need the plans revised and resubmitted for DEQ approval. Surety/Bond would ensure that the District, should the developer not fulfill their obligations, becomes liable for the completion of the infrastructure.  Before moving forward, new phase plans would need to be submitted to the District. After District approval they could then be resubmitted to  DEQ for their approval. Tanner stated that homes could be built as each section was completed; however, no connections can be made until the whole infrastructure is completed. Mike asked if District could phase the plans with District and DEQ; but to phase with the County, the developer would have to start from the beginning.
  4. There were some wording changes to the Sewer Main Extension between KPSD and the City of Ponderay. These changes were made due to the City being a municipality. The municipality wording change to be approved was motioned by Bob and seconded by Eric.  All in Favor.
  5. Signing of the Sewer Main Extension Agreement was approved as submitted. Agreement signed by Chairman and Secretary of the Board.



  1. The Swearing-in of Daniel Hanson took place at the start of meeting.
  2. Mark Haymond addressed the Board regarding 95 Express Carwash. The carwash is increasing in water usage and he anticipates needing to add additional New User Facility Fees.  He requested that the carwash be allowed to purchase 2 NUFFs per month to stay ahead of their usage.  Water reads are determined at the end of the year; however, Mark would rather pay for the NUFFs as anticipated instead of waiting until the increase is due all at once.  The Board agreed that this would be satisfactory.  No motion was needed.
  3. Chris Bunty, owner of 830 Kootenai Cutoff in Ponderay addressed the Board. He is proposing to connect the small westerly dry building to the existing lateral serving the tri-plex. Shared laterals are not allowed per District Rules & Regulations and Ordinances. The building will require its own lateral and New User Facility Fee paid. The District was not previously made aware that the larger building was being utilized as a tri-plex. The building only has 1 New User Facility Fee and according to KPSD Rules & Regulations and Ordinances triplexes require a total of 3 New User Facility Fees. It is currently operating in an unauthorized use state.  The NUFF that is being used for the Trailer may be able to be moved to another dwelling once it is demolished or moved off the premises.
  4. There are no current proposed Agency Reviews Requests for this month. No Action taken.



Brett suggested that a couple of the Board Members, Tanner and himself meet with the Mayor of Ponderay to discuss future density and zoning limits. The originally planned golf course would be a big help as far as land applying. Once the TMDL is complete a different permit will be issued to the District. Brett also went over modifying the plant to a membrane plant.  Need to keep in mind that more chemicals are going to be needed for the plant. Brett also informed the Board that combining with the City of Sandpoint was now off the table.


  1. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 100 Vermeer Drive Unit 1, Pawsitive Mobility, LLC
  2. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 55 Emerald Industrial Park Road, Unit A, Blackstone Auto Care LLC

Eric moved to adjourn the meeting.  Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.

Daniel moved to adjourn the meeting.  Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.

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