Idaho Phase Four Requirements


Written by Colleen Johnson

June 16, 2020

Idaho has now made it to Phase 4 of the Opening! With that being said, the District office is open normal hours. We are still asking that customers allow us to have time between customers to wipe down the desk area and pens. We are not requiring customers to wear a mask but recommend that they do if they feel they are more at risk.

Please do not come to the office if you are sick or have been exposed to the virus. We also ask that customers use this same caution if they have been exposed to the flu recently. If you are more comfortable if the staff is wearing a mask while waiting on you, please let them know. All staff has a mask if needed. If you are unable to come to the office to pay your bill due to having to self-quarantine or being sick, please contact the office so we can work with you on the payment of your bill.

The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday except for most major holidays. The office is normally open during the noon lunch hour.

Thank you for your assistance in helping us work through the current conditions and requirements!

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