BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull and Cliff Sires. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Eric Hanson, and Laura Dallas. The public in attendance was Brett Converse with JUB. Mark Lanphere with The Laundromat attended via Zoom.
- 6:15 pm – Brett Converse, JUB
- 6:30 pm – Mark Lanphere, The Laundromat, Ponderay (Zoom)
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting
- ICRMP – Acceptance of the Joint powers subscriber agreement for Board Signature
Minutes: Minutes from the budget meetings and September Board meeting were approved as presented. The Clerk made a change to the August meeting minutes. The minutes were titled Board Meeting and Executive Session. This was incorrect as there was no Executive Session in August. Cliff moved to accept the change; Eric seconded. All in favor.
Financial Statements: Financials as presented were approved.
Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.
- Brett Converse addressed the NPDES permit. He is working on updated costs. Still working with City of Sandpoint for the cost if KPSD was to connect to their sewer system. Also need to confirm if KPSD was to connect will KPSD need to store and during which months. Compare with the cost of a mechanical plant. A decision will need to be made by mid-December.
- Mark Lanphere from The Laundromat located at 477181 Highway 95 N., Ponderay addressed the Board via Zoom. The Laundromat needs to purchase 8.59 additional ERs according to their metered water reads. Mark would like the Board to consider time payments for the additional ERs needed. After discussion the Board agreed upon the terms. Cliff moved to allow the payment of the additional 8.59 ERs over a 12-month period at an agreed upon interest rate of 6.85% (based on 80.6% of Wall Street Journal prime rate) with payments of $6,605.31. Eric seconded. All in favor.
Mark also addressed the Board regarding a reduction of 12% in water usage on past statements. Mark had presented at an earlier meeting regarding the study of laundromats losing 12% of water use into the dryer and not into the sewer system. The Board had agreed on the lower usage water rate previously. Mark was proposing a 10-year refund on the 12%. According to legal counsel this would be a prohibited gift of public funds. According to KPSD Policies and Procedures, refunds only go back 6 months. Mark agreed that would be fair. Eric moved to the 12% refund going back 6 months. Cliff seconded. All in favor. - Providence Road, Steve Altfillisch Sewer Main Extension. There are 13 LID capacities on the property. They will need 17 additional capacities as well as New User Fees for a total of 30 lots. Cliff moved to accept the Sewer Main Extension Agreement; Eric seconded the motion. All in favor. Sewer Main Extension Agreement was signed.
- Update on Schweitzer Plaza Apartments. They have now paid all of their New User Facility Fees for building B & C. Building A was already paid.
- Rescinding Residential Shop-Mudroom Application. After Board Acceptance the owner decided not to move forward with the mudroom. Eric moved to rescind the application and Cliff seconded. All in favor.
- The addition to the agenda and signing of the ICRMP acceptance of the Joint powers subscriber agreement. Eric moved to add to the agenda, Cliff seconded. All in favor. Agreement was signed by Chairman of the Board, Jim Osman.
- The Lake Pend Oreille School District is requesting a rate change to a non-profit user. Eric moved to change the School District, both the administrative building and the school to a governmental/non-profit user rate. Cliff seconded. All in favor.
- Discussion around the need to schedule a special meeting regarding sewer capacities and the misleading information that is going out to the public. No action was taken at this meeting.
- Colleen asked the Board for any historical information regarding 104 E. Central in Kootenai. There are currently 2 LIDs on this property but only 1 hook-up was purchased. There are no records of an additional hook-up for this property. Jim recused himself from decision as this property is owned by a relative of Jim’s. Eric moved to confirm that this property has 2 LIDs and the 1 hook-up that KPSD has paperwork on unless the owner has proof of the additional hook-up. Cliff seconded the motion. Motion passed.
- Dates for the Holiday Luncheon were discussed. Two possible dates of Thursday, December 14th or Thursday, December 22nd would be acceptable. Laura will check with Bob and Larry to see which date will work for everyone.
APPLICATIONS and UPDATES: (ACTION) All were accepted.
- Single-Family Residence Sewer Service Connection Request, 101 Whiskey Jack Road, Kelly Spielman (2nd NUFF for additional SFR)
- Commercial-Industrial Usage Update, 30736 HWY 200, Suite 104, Razor’s Edge (tenant)
- Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 179 Colville, Unit A, IDAK Communications (tenant)
Cliff moved to adjourn the meeting. Eric seconded.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
Signed: Laura Dallas, District Clerk