Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 2023


Written by Laura Dallas

February 12, 2023

BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Acting Board Chairman Eric Paull. Other Board members present were Bob Thurston and Cliff Sires. Larry Ellis was in attendance via Zoom. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, and Laura Dallas.  Public in attendance was Tarek Saab of Desmet, LLC and Aaron Hoskinson of Simplicity Homes.


  • 6:30 pm – Tarek Saab, Desmet LLC, for Property in Ponderay Cottages

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting

  • Ponderay Carwash, Grant Nixon.  Purchase of NUFFs agreement. (ACTION)

Minutes:  Minutes of the January meeting were approved as presented.

Financial Statements:  Financials as presented were approved.

Maintenance Report:  Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.



  1. Tanner updated the Board on the Grant application. The Letter of Intent has been submitted.
  2. The Cottages Homeowners’ Association update. No Action taken.
  3. There were no new Proposed Agency Review Requests. No Action taken.
  4. The Idaho Rural Water Association Cost Recovery Program was requesting the District to be included in any legal matters and fall under their representation. The paperwork was referred Brian Werst, District Legal Counsel.
  5. The Board discussed adding the Ponderay Carwash to the agenda. Bob so moved and Cliff seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  6. Addition to meeting agenda – Ponderay Car Wash. Brian Werst, District Legal Counsel made some adjustments to the Letter of Agreement between the District and Ponderay Car Wash for the additional purchase of NUFFs.  Bob motioned to approve the adjustments for mailing and Larry Seconded the motion.  All in favor.



  1. During a routine call from Sewell inspectors the District was made aware that there were sump pumps in place for 3 properties that were being built within the Ponderay Cottages. The properties in question are 106, 116 and 130 Dustarr Lane, all owned by Desmet LLC.  The District did an inspection on the properties and found that one of the three properties still had the sump pump connected to the manhole. A letter was sent from the District to Desmet LLC explaining the unauthorized use of the District system and the penalties involved.  Tarek Saab responded immediately upon receipt of the letter, he was not aware of the discharging and confirmed sump pumps were now all disconnected. He asked to address the Board regarding any penalties.  Mr. Tarek Saab also had spoken to Erik Brubaker, Planner at the City of Ponderay regarding the high water levels.  At the Board meeting Mr. Tark Saab informed the Board that his building plans were now amended to include a hard piping sump pump system that will be built into the homes to go directly into the drainage ditch so that this matter would not come up again.  In the meantime, he is placing signage on the cleanout to “not” discharge into the cleanout. There was no Action taken by the Board as the owner rectified the situation immediately & has made proper future plans so that this does not occur again.
  2. The Board reviewed the hardship application that was submitted to the District. After discussion it was moved by Larry to accept the application with a $30.00 per month credit. Bob seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  3. Bob moved to accept the Federal Surplus Program. Larry seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  1. Resolution 02_2023 Authorization to Sell Surplus Maintenance Vehicle. Bob moved to not read the resolution in meeting.  Larry seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Bob then moved to accept the resolution to Sell Surplus Maintenance Vehicle (the 2009 GMC Pickup).Larry seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  2. The Board discussed the purchase of a 2018 Chevy pickup. It is 10 years newer with ½ the mileage. The truck also has many amenities the District is looking for.  Bob moved to go forward with the purchase.  Cliff seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  3. Resolution 03-2023. Amendment of Rules and Regulations and Main Extension Policies and Procedures for the Kootenai-Ponderay Sewer District relating to:  Exhibit C.  Bob moved to not read the resolution in meeting.  Cliff seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Bob then moved to accept the amended changes. Cliff seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  4. Resolution 04-2023 Authorization to Destroy Surplus Office Equipment. . Bob moved to not read the resolution in meeting.  Cliff seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Bob then moved to destroy the old fax machine that was no longer working. Larry seconded the motion.  All in favor.
  5. Colleen informed the Board that DEQ was requiring the Declining Balance Letters in lieu of Will Serve Letters. Informative discussion.  No Action was taken.


APPLICATIONS and UPDATES: (ACTION)  All were accepted.

  1. Schweitzer Plaza, 400 Schweitzer Plaza Drive, Tenant Updates:
    1. Sandpoint Chiropractic Clinic Suite #4
    2. Merrells Gift Shop Suite #3
    3. Sandcreek Quilting Suite #2
    4. MQS Construction Company Suite #1
    5. Natural Fitness Suites #5-8


EXECUTIVE SESSION §72-206 (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student.

Present for Executive Session:  Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis, Cliff Sires, Tanner Weisgram and Colleen Johnson

Motion at 7:10 p.m. to go into Executive Session was made Bob and seconded by Cliff.

Roll Call:  Eric – yes, Bob-yes, Larry – yes, Cliff – yes.  (Jim was not in attendance.)

Motion at 7:29 p.m. to come out of Executive Session was made Bob and seconded by Cliff.

Roll Call:  Eric – yes, Bob-yes, Larry – yes, Cliff – yes.  (Jim was not in attendance.)

No Action was taken.  Informational meeting only.

Motion to dismiss the meeting made by Cliff.  Larry seconded the  motion.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Signed:  Laura Dallas for Board Meeting

Signed:  Colleen Johnson for Executive Meeting

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