BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis, and Cliff Sires. Employees present were Tanner Weisgram, Colleen Johnson, and Laura Dallas. Public in attendance was Brett Cummings, Scott McNee, Richard Villelli, and Mark Johnson. Attending through Zoom was Brian Werst, District Legal Counsel.
- 6:15 pm – Brett Converse, JUB (Cancelled prior to meeting)
- 6:30 pm – Brett Cummings, Scott McNee and Richard Villelli
- 6:45 pm – Brian Werst, District Legal Counsel
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours.
Additional item to the Executive Session – Personnel Evaluation
Minutes: Minutes from the August 9th Board Meeting and the August 29th Public Budget Hearing were approved as submitted.
Financial Statements: Financials as presented were approved.
Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted. Tanner reported that Operations is still busy but have been able to keep up with the workload. Still planning on adding one new staff.
- NPDES Permit: Brett was not in attendance. He will have more information at the October meeting.
- Board members signed the budgets that were previously approved at the August 26th Public Budget Hearing.
- Representatives for the proposed Golf Course and RV Resort, Brett Cummings, Scott McNee and Richard Villelli, presented possible options for the development to the Board. The proposed development consists of a southern parcel that is in the District and a northern parcel that is outside of the District’s current boundaries. Ideally, they would like to develop the course and resort with a mixture of residential, tiny homes/cabins and RV spaces throughout both parcels. If the northern parcel cannot be annexed into the District a secondary plan is to place all connections on the southern parcel and the golf course only on the northern parcel. Benefits to the District would be that the District would be able to provide water to land apply at a treated grade A level to the golf course and their ponds. Also, could be beneficial for the future development of Field of Dreams. The purchase of the hook-ups would help offset the cost of the upgrades needed to treat at a grade A level. There are still lots of requirements by the city, and the District would need to research costs and benefits to the District before making any decisions. Brett Converse, Tanner, and representatives for the golf course will continue conversations regarding the feasibility of the development. No decisions were made at this meeting.
- The Board reviewed the rescinding of previously recorded requirements. Documents to be signed by Tanner and recorded.
- The Board discussed the determination of the foregone amount for the District Levy. The Board decided not to use it this year as another public hearing would need to be held and published in the newspaper. Publication costs would be approximately half of the amount of the foregone. Cliff moved to not utilize the foregone amount this year. Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.
- Policy changes to ICRMP were reviewed. No Action needed to be taken.
- Single-family Sewer Service Request, 41 Crooked Ear Drive, BF Builders
- Single-family Sewer Service Request, 303 Jasper Loop, Idagon
- Single-family Sewer Service Request, 311 Jasper Loop, Idagon
- Single-family Sewer Service Request, 319 Jasper Loop, Idagon
- Order Release and Rescinding Requirement or Agreement for:
- 305 Main Street
- 300 E. 1st Street
- 429 Ponder Point
- 112 Lutzke Drive
- 125 Tibbetts
72-206 (f): To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. The mere presence of legal counsel at an executive session does not satisfy this requirement.
Motion to add additional item within 24 hours of meeting to the Executive Session was made by Bob and seconded by Eric. All in favor. Item §72-206 (b) was added.
72-206 (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student.
Call Special Meeting Session to order at 6:42 pm by Bob. Eric Seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion to go into Executive Session made by Bob and Seconded by Eric.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff – Yes
Item #1 Real Estate
Item #2 Personnel
Motion to leave Executive Session by Eric and seconded by Bob.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff – Yes
No decision was made on Item #1. Board will need another update from legal.
Item #2 decision for changes in workload for personnel. Decision to adjust wages per current workload and new licensure level for the operations and maintenance staff as determined.
Bob motioned to accept the decision for Item #2 regarding the adjustment of wages. Larry seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff – Yes
Larry motioned to adjourn the meeting; Cliff seconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:54 pm.
Board Meeting Minutes signed by: Laura Dallas, District Clerk
Executive Meeting Minutes signed by: Colleen Johnson, Business Manager