Board Meeting Minutes July 10, 2023


Written by Laura Dallas

July 10, 2023

BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Cliff Sires and Larry Ellis. Board member Bob Thurston attended via zoom. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Rebekah Zwygartand Laura Dallas. Public in attendance were Dan Tadic of HMH Engineering, Garry Schickedanz owner of Providence Subdivision, Jennifer Ekstrom with the Idaho Conservation League, and Mark Johnson. Brett Converse with JUB Engineering attended via zoom.


  • 6:15 pm – Brett Converse, JUB (via Zoom)
  • 6:30 pm – Dan Tadic of HMH Engineering and Garry Schickedanz owner of Providence Subdivision.

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting

Minutes:  Minutes from June meetings were approved as presented

Financial Statements:  Financials as presented were approved.

Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted. Number 20 on the report refers to working with the City of Ponderay for replacing taps at the sewer main and installing stub outs during their repaving of Oak Street project. There are 18 taps that will be replaced to eliminate the additional inflow and infiltration.


  1. Brett Converse of JUB addressed the Board. Received funding for environmental work. The change draft list was finalized, and Kootenai Ponderay Sewer District was invited to apply for funding. Brett should have all the information by the next meeting to apply. Jennifer Ekstrom was recognized by the Board. She wanted to congratulate the District on receiving an application. She asked where it was to be applied. The funds are to be used for facility upgrades such as a mechanical plant and upgrades to the District Land Application site.
  2. The Easement agreement that the District presented to the Cottages was declined by the Cottages. No Action taken by the Board.
  3. True Value Investment Group, LLC (Day’s Inn) on Bonner Mall Way: They brought in a payment plan; however, the back taxes were paid at the County that included the amount that the District had rolled over. There is no longer a need to pull the amount back from the County. No Action taken.
  4. Reminder to the Board that the Budget Workshop will be held July 18 from Noon to 2:00pm.


  1. Dan Tadic and Garry Schickedanz addressed the Board regarding the Providence Subdivision project. They asked the Board to reconsider the Sewer Main Extension requirement of having DEQ approve final plans. Instead, they are asking that the District’s engineer, Brett Converse with JUB, complete the QLPE review. This would provide a timelier review than DEQ can provide. Also, DEQ is enforcing their conditions for a will-serve letter to now be a declining balance with a promise or guarantee to serve. This is slowing the subdivision’s progress.

    Brett and Tanner addressed QLPE request. Brett is the Engineer for the District and DEQ serves as the second set of eyes and segregates duties. The District will continue to ask for final approval from DEQ.

    The Board addressed the payment of NUFFs. The District cannot promise or guarantee service until New User Facility Fees (NUFFs) are paid. The plans for the subdivision call for the building of 117 residences. There are currently 26 capacities or portions of the NUFF already on the property. The Board discussed that a solution may be to pay a portion of each NUFF now so a will serve letter can be written and the balance portion paid at building permit application.

    Jennifer Ekstrom’s request to address the Board was granted. Jennifer asked the Board to put a moratorium on connections within the District until new sewer facility upgrades are completed. She also stated that this is a matter of doing what is right and not about money.

    Garry, owner of Providence subdivision project, gave information on past projects of his that required a 10% reservation fee and final payment at building permit. There was additional conversation regarding limited time for a reservation to stay active and buying back reservations.

    A motion by Eric was made to require a 50% reservation fee on the 91 lots at the current New User Facility Fee of $8,894.00 per lot. That would be a reservation paid at $4,447.00 per lot for a total of $404,677.00 for the 91 lots with balances due at Building Permit Application. Each lot to be assigned 1 reservation. Bob seconded the motion. All in favor.

  2. A hardship application was received and reviewed by the Board. There are funds in the account to be able to assist with quarterly fees. After discussion Larry moved to approve $30.00 from the existing funds to the applicant’s account. Bob seconded the motion. The motion was amended to specify that it should be $30.00 per month applied toward applicants billing. All in favor. (Hardships are granted for one-year periods.)

  3. Eric noted that the Agenda for tonight’s meeting had Garry’s name spelled incorrectly. A correction will be made to the agenda for future records.


APPLICATIONS and UPDATES: (ACTION) All were accepted.

  1. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 775 Bonner Mall Way, Kessa’s Coffee, and Food Court
  2. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 210 Triangle Drive Suite E, Metla Physical Therapy
  3. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 388 Larkspur #C, The Bogey Room, Golf Simulator


EXECUTIVE SESSION:§72-206 (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student.

In attendance for the executive session: Jim Osman, Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis, Cliff Sires, Tanner Weisgram, and Colleen Johnson.

Motion made by Bob to go into Executive Session at 7:00 pm. Larry seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Eric – Y, Bob – Y, Jim – Y, Larry – Y, Cliff – Y

Motion made by Eric to come out of Executive Session at 7:10 pm. Cliff seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Eric – Y, Bob – Y, Jim – Y, Larry – Y, Cliff – Y

Decision: Motion made by Eric to increase the wage for the Treatment Operator position by $2.00 per hour effective July 1, 2023.

All in favor.

Motion by Cliff to adjourn meeting. Larry seconded the motion. Motioned adjourned at 7:12 pm.

Signed: Laura Dallas, District Clerk

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