BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Cliff Sires and Larry Ellis. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram and Laura Dallas. Public in attendance was Brett Converse and Mark Johnson.
- 6:15 pm – Brett Converse with JUB
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting
Minutes: Minutes of the November meeting were approved as presented.
Financial Statements: Financials as presented were approved.
Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.
- Brett Converse, JUB regarding NPDES Permit, Grant options, Lake Study: Brett and Tanner are continuing to work on the modification of the long-term plan for the plant. There is a new TMDL being conducting in the Boyer Slough that should recognize a load designated to KPSD.
Tanner is working with WAG regarding this new TMDL. Brett and Tanner discussed with the Board the possibility of presenting a new timeline to IDEQ regarding the installment of a mechanical plant as phase 1 and the discharge to the lake as phase 2. The mechanical plant should allow KPSD to meet the current limits for discharge. The City of Sandpoint completed their rate study. It may now be a good time to address the option of consolidating once again. The Board would like to have a letter composed to IDEQ and approved through legal to present to the Board for approval. After which a meeting can be scheduled with DEQ to discuss final commitments. - The Cottages Homeowners’ Association update. The Board discussed following through with the Easement Agreement with the Association. The Board would like to get the Easement Agreement and potential Offer together for January’s meeting for review.
- Ponderay Car Wash, owner Grant Nixon. They purchased one additional NUFF so far. Board recommended to table further discussion until next meeting in January when they can review the payment schedule for the additional NUFFs required.
- Fontaine Apartments 1050 Fontaine Avenue, Ponderay, have reduced their apartment buildings from 4 buildings to 3 buildings. They currently have paid the NUFF for building A & B. They have a partial of the NUFFs paid for building C & D. The amounts paid for building D are to be re-assigned to building C. Any balance owing will be invoiced to owner.
- The District Clerk asked for a head count on who would be attending the Holiday Luncheon and what food items everyone will be bringing.
- The Food Truck Panhandle Pizza Kitchen that was located at the Better Together Animal Alliance was removed without notice to the District. The agreement between KPSD and Panhandle Pizza Kitchen was reviewed. The agreement states that if the Food Truck was removed from the premises without District knowledge all deposits would be forfeited. The Board agreed that there would be no refund due to Panhandle Pizza Kitchen.
- The Board was notified that there will be a Board Election in May 2023 for Seat #1. The District Clerk will provide the proper paperwork for the election sometime after the first of the year.
- The Engagement Letter from the District Auditors was reviewed. Bob moved to accept the agreement and Larry seconded the motion. All in favor. Letter was signed by Jim Osman.
- The ICRMP Insurance had sent an acceptance letter that would need Board approval to be able to send electronic notices to the District. Bob moved to approve the acceptance of electronic correspondence and Eric seconded the motion. All in favor. Document signed by Jim Osman.
- Single-Family Residence Sewer Service Connection, Ponderay Block 15, Lot 7, Adam & Chrissy Mitton
- Single-Family Residence Sewer Service Connection, Ponderay Block 15, Lot 8, Adam & Chrissy Mitton
- Single-Family Residence Sewer Service Connection, Ponderay Block 15, Lot 9, Adam & Chrissy Mitton
- Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection, Ponderay Carwash, 476931 Highway 95 N., Grant & Marla Nixon
EXECUTIVE SESSION §72-206 (b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public-school student.
Present for Executive Session Jim Osman, Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Cliff Sires, Larry Ellis, Colleen Johnson and Tanner Weisgram.
Motion to go into Executive Session at 6:50pm by Bob and Seconded by Cliff.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff _ Yes
Motion to come out of Executive Session at 7:41pm by Cliff and Seconded by Eric.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff _ Yes
Decision made: Payroll changes and adjustments as discussed in the Executive Session.
Motion to accept Decision by Eric and seconded by Larry.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Jim – Yes, Larry – Yes, Cliff _ Yes
Cliff moved to adjourn the meeting by Cliff. Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.
Minutes Regular Meeting Signed: Laura Dallas
Minutes for Executive Session Signed: Colleen Johnson