BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Jim Osman. Board members in attendance were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, and Larry Ellis. District Staff in attendance were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Laura Dallas, and Rebekah Zwygart. Brett Converse from JUB and District Legal Counsel Brian Werst were in attendance. Dick Villelli, Dick Villelli, and Mike Villelli from McGhee LLC were present.
- 6:15 pm – Brett Converse, JUB
- 6:30 pm – Brian Werst, District Counsel
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting
Minutes: Approved as submitted.
Financial Statements: The Board asked for clarification on a check being made to Black Mountain Software. Colleen explained that it was a yearly expense for technical support with the current District office software. Financials were approved as submitted.
Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.
Additions to Agenda: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting:
Bob motioned to add Block Grant to the agenda, Seconded by Larry. All in Favor.
- No new update from Brett. A Special Meeting was scheduled for June 24th, 2024, at 4:30pm. For the board to sign the paperwork for Bond Funding, only drafts were available for review at the meeting. We are waiting for the final document to be signed before the board can sign. Colleen is going to follow up on the confirmation of the election.
- An updated letter from DEQ was received, however it does not outline a specific number of phases for the proposed phasing project for providence. Tanner requested that Providence present a final phased plan for the District. Brian reworded the SME specifically to this project to accommodate the proposed phasing plan. As the District Legal Counsel, Brian recommended the approval of the revised document for Providence. The Board reviewed the updated changes to the SME for providence.
Eric Motioned to approve the revised SME, Seconded by Bob, All in Favor. - An Out of Bounds Sewer Connection Agreement was drafted by Brian Werst, the District Legal Counsel. The Board reviewed the Agreement and asked that the wording for the Out of Bounds agreement be specific to a municipality.
Bob motioned to approve the Out of Bounds Sewer Connection agreement with the included edits the Board asked from legal counsel. Seconded by Eric, all in favor. - Sewer Main Extension revisions to wording made by Legal Counsel, Brian Werst. The Board reviewed the changes and requested an edit to typo under bullet point #10.
Larry made a motion to approve the Sewer Main Extension wording revisions with the included correction to the typo. Seconded by Bob, all in favor.
- Bob made a motion to approve signing a 48-month contract with Pitney Bowes for Postage Meter. Seconded by Eric, all in favor.
- Brett that there are more treatment plants he and Tanner plan on touring, to understand what package plant will work best for the District. Once they decide on a vendor, then the vendor will assist Brett in designing the package plant for the District. Brett needs a written confirmation of the Boards approval to continue with a basic design for the plant upgrades.
A factor that Brett and Tanner are keeping in mind while considering the requirements of the Permit is the possibility of land applying at the Golf Course that McGhee LLC is designing. This would offer the District 30 acres of wooded land to irrigate. The new plant will be able to produce Class A Irrigation water. Right now, the District is treating Class C or Class D, which the Golf Course could accommodate while in development. The Board thanked the McGhee LLC group for coming in and would like more information from Tanner on the option of the Golf Course. - Eric motioned to relieve Laura Dallas of being the District Clerk and appointing Rebekah Zwygart to District Clerk. Seconded by Bob, all in Favor.
- The Board will need an administrator to handle the upcoming Bond Funds. Motion made by Bob to accept looking for an administrator, seconded by Eric, all in favor.
- Single – Family Residential Connection Request, 603 N Ave, John and Cindy Fitzgerald
- Commercial – Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, Tenant Update Spoelstra Family Chiropractic Practice, 100 Vermeer Drive
- Commercial – Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, Tenant Update Spears Insurance Inc., 100 Vermeer Drive
- Update Commercial Usage – Edward Jones (Sunshine Builders), 213 Boise Street
Motion to go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 72-206 (b) To Consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public- school student.
Motion made by Bob, Seconded by Larry.
Roll Call Vote:
Eric – YES, Bob- YES, Jim- YES, Larry – YES, Daniel – not in attendance
Executive Session began at 7:00p.m.
7:09pm Bob motioned to come out of Executive Session, Seconded by Larry, all in favor.
Motion made by Eric to accept final payroll determination per discussion in Executive session for retiring employee, Seconded by Bob, all in Favor.
Larry motioned to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Bob, all in Favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:10pm
Signed: Rebekah Zwygart, District Clerk
Executive Session taken by Colleen Johnson.