BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chairman Eric Paull. Other Board members present were Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis and Daniel Hanson. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Rebekah Zwygart and Laura Dallas. The public present at the meeting were Brett Converse with JUB, Tanya Lawless with Kutak Rock LLP, and Brian Werst the District Legal Counsel. Additional Public Present were Toby Antencio with REMAX, David Phillips a Resident, Mike Hammack a homeowner and Michelle Ward a Business Owner. And Gerry Schickedanz representing The Providence Road Subdivision.
- 6:15 pm – Brett Converse, JUB, Brian Werst, District Counsel, and Tanya Lawless, Kutak Rock LLP
- 6:45 pm – Mike Hammack, Providence Subdivision
- 7:00 pm – Michelle Ward, Pet Hospital
- 7:15 pm – KayLeigh Miller, City of Ponderay
ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting
Minutes: Bob made a Motion to approve minutes from the April 8th Board Meeting, Motion Seconded by Larry.
Larry made a Motion to approve minutes for April 29th Special Meeting, Motion Seconded by Daniel.
Financial Statements: Bob made a Motion to approve Financials as presented, Motion Seconded by Daniel.
Maintenance Report: Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.
- Brett updated the Board on the progress of the permit, it is still moving forward however he hasn’t heard any new update from DEQ yet. Tanya had no new updates for the upcoming Bond. Discussed invoicing timeline for Bond Council.
The District will wait for verification on ballot results and are looking at alternatives in case the ballot does not pass, such as Judicial Confirmation. - Mike Hammack addressed the Board about the Providence Subdivision. They are still moving forward with a phasing plan. However, he asked the board if the $10,000 SME Fee could be waived that would be required with each phase. Colleen explained that the purpose of the deposit is in the case that developer leaves the project with repairs which need to be completed; the deposit is used to complete the repairs and any costs over the deposit are billed to the developer. The Board decided to wait on a decision until they hear back from DEQ on the number of final approved phases for the project.
- Field of Dreams update, they started looking for a flow meter and saw that it was outside of the budget that was originally planned. They asked the board if it would be acceptable if they hired an employee on their end to track reads. Those reads would be given to the district weekly apart from tournaments where reads will be given daily. The Board approved with the condition that reads be on the agenda monthly to be reviewed at board meetings. If reads are not reported to the district, the city will be required to put in a flow meter.
Bob made a Motion to approve usage reads manual reported weekly and daily on high usage days, Motion Seconded by Larry
- Michelle Ward with 108 Tibbetts Lane approached the board about potentially transferring a hook up from the animal hospital to the office building located on the property. Tanner suggested requesting an SME to take ownership of part of the lateral to create an easier connection for the property to a main. Board asked Tanner to do more research on the SME and reaching out to the property owner.
- Reminder of second public meeting being held on May 16th at 5:30pm regarding the upcoming ballot for May’s election.
- Resolution 06_2024, Authorization to Destroy Surplus Office Furniture
Larry made a Motion to suspend the reading for Resolution 06_2024, Motion Seconded by Daniel.
Bob made a Motion to approve Resolution 06_2024, Motion Seconded by Daniel.
Roll Call: Eric – Yes, Bob – Yes, Larry – Yes, Daniel – Yes, Jim not present. - Hardship Application review for approval.
Bob made a Motion to approve Applicant with $90 per quarter, Motion Seconded by Daniel. - No new Agency Review Requests
- Review of Idaho Department of Labor, new tax rates
- Commercial-Industrial Sewer Service Connection Request, City of Ponderay, Field of Dreams
- Commercial-Industrial Sewer Service Connection Request, Sears Industrial Buildings, LLC, 763 Hawthorne, Lot 5
- Commercial-Industrial Sewer Service Connection Request Update, Byxbee Sports LLC, 205 Vermeer Drive, Suite D
- Residential Shop-Mudroom Application for signature, (approved at April’s Meeting) 594 Whiskey Jack Road, Glenn Kellogg
- Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, Tenant SBA – Brazilian Jujitsu, 321 Tulip Lane, Ponderay Suite 1
- Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, Tenant Picture Frame Shop, 321 Tulip Lane, Ponderay Suite 2
- Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, Tenant Loft 31,321 Tulip Lane, Ponderay Suite 3
Daniel moved to adjourn the meeting. Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm.
Signed: Rebekah Zwygart, Front Desk Administrative Assistant