Board Members Present:
Jim Osman, Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis, and Daniel Hanson.
District Staff Present:
Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Laura Dallas, Rebekah Zwygart, Brett Converse with JUB and Tonya Lawless the District Bond Counsel.
Public Present (per sign-in sheet):
Glenn Kellogg, Tim Closson, Julie Washburn, Matt McArthur, Kelley Cornelsen, Jamie Erdt, Dennis Erdt, Marc Bocciardi, Dave Pecho, Timothy Thurston, David Allen, Mary Sturgis, Dave Sturgis, and Jennifer Ekstrom with the Idaho Conservation League
The meeting was opened by Jim Osman, the Board Chairman, at 5:30 pm. Jim thanked the public in attendance for coming to the meeting. Jim introduced himself to the public and each of the Board members and District staff. Jim introduced Brett the Engineer for the District and turned the time over to Brett to give a presentation.
Brett talked about the District’s background, explaining the current plant design and flow of the treatment plant. The current boundaries of the District and the current permit the District is using. Brett explained the new permit that was issued in 2018 by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). DEQ granted a compliance deadline of 2028. Studies have been performed since the new permit was issued to determine how the District can meet the new permit requirements before the deadline.
Brett opened the discussion to questions from the public. The Board and Brett responded to questions asked by the public.
The Board addressed possible rate increases due to the need for the District to incur and repay debt to complete the upgrades. Tanya Lawless explained the bond revenue and repayment parameters.
The Board thanked the public for their time and encouraged them to inquire at the office with further questions.
Meeting was closed at 6:55 pm
Signed by: Rebekah Zwygart, Front Desk Administrative Assistant