Board Meeting Minutes April 2024


Written by Laura Dallas

April 8, 2024

BOARD MEETING was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Board Chairman Jim Osman. Other Board members present were Eric Paull, Bob Thurston, Larry Ellis and Daniel Hanson. Employees present were Colleen Johnson, Tanner Weisgram, Rebekah Zwygart and Laura Dallas. The public present at the meeting were Brett Converse with JUB, Tanya Lawless with Kutak Rock LLP, Glenn Kellog, Homeowner and James Brown, Homeowner.


  • 6:15 pm – Brett Converse with JUB
  • 6:15 pm – Tanya Lawless with Kutak Rock LLP  (via ZOOM)
  • 6:30 pm – Glenn Kellogg, Homeowner 594 Whiskey Jack Road, Sandpoint
  • 6:45 pm – James Brown, Homeowner 308 Humbird, Kootenai           

ADDITIONS TO AGENDA: Less than 48 hours prior to meeting

  1. Blue Cross of Idaho Proxy (ACTION)
  2. City of Ponderay application for Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection for the Field of Dreams (ACTION)

Bob moved to add the above items to the agenda. Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.

No Action was taken regarding the Proxy.  Eric motioned to not take any action on the Proxy and Bob seconded the motion. All in favor.

Minutes:  Minutes from the March Board Meeting were approved.

Financial Statements:  Financials as presented were approved. Colleen mentioned that the District will need a new lease with Montana Rails and PERSI is going up.

Maintenance Report:  Maintenance Report was approved as submitted.


  1. Brett updated the Board on the progress of the permit. The WAG meeting that Tanner and Brett attended went very well. They discussed the issue of a year-round phosphorus discharge that could be met during summer months. The new plant will be able to meet the level required for the permit. The District will be able to discharge at an achievable level for a reasonable cost.
    Tanya had no new updates for the upcoming Bond. The wording for the ballot was all approved and submitted. The District will continue to get the ballot information out to all of the voters. Tanya left the meeting at 5:20 pm.
  2. Providence Park Subdivision sewer main extension was approved by DEQ has a whole project not phased. Will need to get additional approval from DEQ for the phasing of the SME. The agreement for yearly flushing of the SME was submitted to Providence from Tanner.  The agreement was signed and returned. Colleen will contact Mike Hammack to have him re-submit plans to DEQ for the phasing of the SME.
  3. The property owner for 830 Kootenai Cutoff has paid the additional NUFF for connecting the small building farthest west on their property. The owner had mentioned at the last meeting that the large commercial residential building is actually a tri-plex. This building only has 1 New User Facility Fee and according to KPSD Rules & Regulations and Ordinances triplexes require a total of 3 New User Facility Fees. It is currently operating in an unauthorized use state. The NUFF that is being used for the Trailer may be able to be moved to another dwelling once it is demolished or moved off the premises. Larry moved to approve the connection request now that the NUFF has been paid and that the District needs to notify the owner that they need to change the tri-plex to single-family or purchase the additional NUFFs that are needed. The owner will be given 90 days to comply. Bob seconded the motion. All in favor.
  4. The District was notified that there was sewer on the ground at 195 Jeffery Drive. Operations went out to property and placed lye down around the area. The owner was notified, and proper repairs are to be made.



  1. Glenn Kellog addressed the Board regarding his property at 594 Whiskey Jack Road, Sandpoint. The addition is now complete. It is listed as an addition of a shop/mudroom to his home. A shop/mudroom agreement to be submitted.
  2. James Brown addressed the Board regarding his property at 308 Humbird, Kootenai. James is splitting his lot and planning to build on each lot. The lots are currently consolidated with the District. Need to de-consolidate the lots with the District and assign existing NUFF to the ADU/shop that he is proposing to build and purchase an additional NUFF at time of this building permit application. His proposed plan is shop/ADU on 310 Humbird, build a home on 308 Humbird then build 2nd house at 310 Humbird. In total he will require 3 NUFFs.
  3. The City of Ponderay addressed the Board regarding the transfer of Capacity from a property inside the District Boundary to the Field of Dreams. The Field of Dreams is adjacent to the District boundary and was allowed a lateral connection. The stub-out that was installed is capped and has never been in use. The Board confirmed that a transfer is not allowed, and the City will need to purchase a minimum of 1 New User Facility Fee. A flow meter is to be installed and will require daily reads as fluctuation in use is expected. Engineering sized the bathroom facility as needing up to 7.1 ERs.
  4. Budget Meeting and Public Hearing dates were set as follows:
    1. July 16th, 12noon to 2:00pm – Budget Workshop
    2. August 5th, 5:00pm – Budget Approval for Publication
    3. August 12th, 5:00pm – Board Meeting
    4. August 26th, 5:00pm – Budget Public Hearing
  5. Reminder that the Public Informational Meeting regarding the Revenue Bond for the upcoming ballot is to be held on Tuesday, April 16th at 5:30pm.
  6. Resolution 05-2024 Surplus of Operations’ SCADA and back-up battery.
    Bob motioned to not read the resolution in meeting. Larry seconded the motion. All in favor. Dan motioned to approve Resolution 05-2024 Surplus of Operations’ SCADA and back-up battery. Eric seconded.
    Roll-Call:  Eric – yes, Bob – yes, Jim – yes, Larry – yes, Dan – yes    Motion passed and resolution was signed.
  7. There are no current proposed Agency Reviews Requests for this month. No Action taken. 



  1. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 95 Express Carwash, MBDP Properties
  2. Commercial-Industrial Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 830 Kootenai Cutoff Road, Chris Bunty
  3. Single-Family Residential (ADU) Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Request, 311 Spokane St., Robert & Valerie Dressell

Daniel moved to adjourn the meeting.  Larry seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Signed:  Laura Dallas, District Clerk

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